This is essentially a short list to track what Movies we've watched together so far in 2014
X Men days of future past
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Transformers: Age Of Extinction
How To Train Your Dragon 2
The Fault in Our Stars
The Expendables 3Guardians of the Galaxy
The Equalizer
John Wick
For the second half of 2013 there was
Marvel's Thor: the Dark World
About Time ( Major Favourite!)
The Wolverine
Swan Lake
I really like watching movies at GV City Square, mostly because it's new and it's a lot easier to get seats compared to Shaw Lido or The Cathay. Plus I'm looking forward to getting the HSBC Black movie card :) $85 for 10 movies.
Unfortunately I've been lagging in blogging namely because my macbook has died, so I'm pretty reliant on my iPad mini and it's not the best device to type on, plus I haven't managed to upload most of my pics onto my ipad. On a side note, that must have been the best purchase of 2014 for me.
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