I rarely get my nails done because it's a rather expensive and inconvenient beauty habit to form but I had to get my nails done as I was the maid of honour for my sister's wedding. I went with a simple glittery nude pink shade, and decided to try gelish gel polish.
I love gelish gel polish as it has a really nice gloss to it, and doesn't chip or peel for up to 3 weeks! It's especially good when I've so many things to do on the wedding day hence I don't have to be careful about not ruining my nails. The only problem with gelish is that you can't remove it using normal nail polish remover but have to either go to the nail palour for a soak off or you can buy the soak off liquid and do it yourself. I didn't think it was very cost efficient to buy a new bottle but going to the manicurist was rather pricey too, so I improvised. As it grew out, I used an existing silver glitter nail polish that I had, and painted the part that was not covered, giving my nails an ombre look!
So yes, the plan is to keep painting more of the normal glitter nail polish and just keep cutting my nails as usual till it all grows out and is gone. So yes, if you do have gelish nails and don't want to bother with a soak off, you can try this approach.
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